Collaboration brews are not unusual these days but this one has quite a story behind it. It began a few years back when Yvan De Baets of the Brussels based Brasserie de la Senne was visiting the UK and, along with Mark Tranter of Burning Sky Brewery, paid a visit to Miles Jenner, the head brewer and joint managing director of Harvey’s Brewery in Lewes, Sussex. It was in the sample room that the notion of a collaborative brew which would ‘entwine elements of all three breweries in a beer that would be entirely distinctive from anything they produced individually’ began to take shape. Unfortunately, the plan was interrupted by the pandemic but it has now been revived and the resulting cask conditioned beer, called Tripel Alliance (4.5% ABV) has been mashed at the Bridge Wharf Brewery, Lewes, with all three participating brewers in attendance. The grist comprises pale and Munich malts, together with spelt and oats, all mixed with Harvey’s spring water and yeast. Four different German hops, both traditional and new varieties, have been used, at five separate stages. The beer is due to be launched at a small beer festival being held in the cellars and rear yard of Harvey’s Brewery on Friday 9 and Saturday 10 August. Some 20 cask and keg beers from the three breweries, including some rarities, will also be available. Cask conditioned Tripel Alliance will also be available through the trade while stocks last. Mr Jenner commented, “Brewers have always exchanged ideas, it is one of the delights of the industry, but the opportunity to brew together in this way and share a common passion is something very special indeed. It is proving a voyage of discovery for us all.”

It is expected that, by the time this edition is available, the event will have sold out but it may be worth checking here.