Branch Diaries Dec/Jan 2019/2020

Welcome to our regular details of London CAMRA contacts and events, where branches say what is…

Celebrate the Festival

London has lost many of its post-war pubs. A notable survivor is the Festival Inn, Poplar,…

J D Wetherspoons celebrate 40 years

Our cover celebrates the 40th anniversary of the J D Wetherspoon organisation. Tim Martin opened his…

Message for CAMRA South West London Branch members

Branch Pub of the Year: the branch has shortlisted six pubs for our Pub of the…

CAMRA news and events – November 2019

BROMLEY BRANCH PRESENTATIONS October saw presentations being made to the winners of the beer, perry and…

News & Views – November 2019

PUBS CODE REVIEW Submissions to the statutory review closed on 22 July but there is currently…

CAMRA Greater London regional presentations

A LIFELONG FRIENDSHIP WINS JOHN YOUNG MEMORIAL AWARD Friendship can create some interesting outcomes and the…

Health and wellbeing

ROUND AND ROUND As the festive season approaches, this may be especially relevant. Drinkaware, the independent,…

Great British Beer Festival – Winter

The venue for CAMRA’s ‘Great British Beer Festival – Winter’ changes every three years. After Norwich…

Pub News – November 2019

You will find most of our regular pub news in the WhatPub Update column but here…