I’m sure that many readers will remember Duncan Borrowman and Grace Goodlad from their award-winning days…
Author: Christine Cryne
Orbiting the London beer scene
With all the doom and gloom of 2024 and its multiple brewery closures, it’s great to…
Champion beers 2024
A RETURN AFTER 33 YEARS! Over the years, although quite a few beers from London have…
Japanese knotweed, oak leaves and pumpkins
Many brewers use wild hops but Perivale Brewery take the idea of foraging to a different…
Champion Beer of London
CAMRA’s Champion Beer of Britain competition is like the Oscars of the cask beer world. The…
John Young Memorial Award
CAMRA’s Greater London Region introduced the annual John Young Memorial Award in 2007 to celebrate the…
Neckstamper – a modern nod to the past
Neckstamper Brewing came out of Adam Jefferies’s dream of independence. Adam was an engineer by training…
No and low alcohol beers – a brief exploration
As we get older and inevitably experience health scares, it is not unusual to be told…
Bottles and brewing at the Bohemia
This year, because there is no Great British Beer Festival, the finals of two of CAMRA’s…